“Not a pleasant match, had some bugs that forced a loss for me. I wasn't sure what to do when it happened and know it's just a game so played it out. We had a disconnection halfway through the first half, I had the ball and was moving downfield to score. When we reconnected and did a sync, it showed my player as still having the ball, when infact he didn't. So I continued moving my guys downfield for the score. My opponent plays as if my guy has the ball for a turn, before walking over the spot where we disco'd at and suddenly picks up the ball. I have no one anywhere near his player who now has the ball. Needless to say, this should of been a 1-1 tie, not a 0-1 loss...if my player still had the ball after the disco, he had no chance to stop my thrower from scoring a TD. Instead he almost scored and prevented my TD through a bugged ball.”