“still in shock how he managed to come back from 3-0. late 1st half i roll 2 1's, so i dont get the 2d blitz on his unprotected ballcarrier. he manages to score bringing it to 3-1. he has been fouling a ton all along, and gets me down to 7 or so for the whole 2nd half. i manage to delay him 5 (five) turns down 5 players, but alas he somehow manages to finally score. then he has 3 turns, and i have 5 players left. i do my best to stall, but i stupidly allowed him to hpynotic gaze me which i had forgotten about, then he 2d my choice crowd pushes me, picks up the ball, stretches, pass, catch, with no rerolls. i guess theres nothing to do when the luck is not in my favor, percent doesn't show it because we restarted twice, but it was 40-56 late in 1st half. :-(”