“The stadium overflowed with chaotic dwarven hooligans before the Fumbbl Cup qualification match between Terratrasherz and Mandinka Tribe.
As both teams had chosen to play in the colours blue, red and black it was impossible to tell who supported who and the result was a huge mass of shouting, quaffing and fighting dwarves and hobgoblins.
The match begun with Terratrasherz on offence. A feint to the left and Burg Snotmauler was alone on the right side running to the endzone for a quick Terratrasher-lead.
* The td was followed by several disconnections and load problems but eventually we got the game running again *
Mandinka Tribe bashed their way through the petty Terratrasherdefence and felt so sure on their score, that they tried to hand the ball to Nehanda the bullcentaur. Unfortunately he was too clumsy and as Dawit the AG4 blodge hobgob tried to pick the ball up in T8 we saw a wonderful set of snakeeyes denying Mandinka Tribe the score.
1-0 for Terratrasherz at halftime.
In the second half Mandinka Tribe's lack of ballhandling skills allowed Terratrasherz to steal the ball. Most of the Tribe-team was engaged in a midfield scuffle when Smat Snotmauler got away. He did what he shouldn't have done - the gfi we all hate: 1 - rr - 1... Mandinka Tribe had three turns to score and succeeded in a spectacular play involving the troll Moshoeshoe running with the ball. Chaos dwarf blocker Barbak Stonesplitter was killed on the way and was missed during the rest of the match.
Overtime and Terratrasherz was on offence once more. The lack of strength on the team and our AG4 hobgob Nerxa Snotmauler's inability to get hold of the ball allowed Mandinka Tribe another score and we couldn't even it up. 2-1 for Mandinka Tribe and an early farewell to the Cup for Terratrasherz.
The match lasted for 3,5 hour - primarily because of the crashes in the first half and my opponent's 5-6 min turns... I must admit that I was getting tired and unfocused during the second half and my lack of concentration was punished in a suiting way. Had I resisted the temptation to do the famous gfi in the second half, I think it would have been a sure win, but it wasn't to be.
Good game by Tricktickler and good luck to him and Mandinka Tribe in the rest of the tourney. But if you want to beat those skaven in round 2, you gotta play faster mate... :)”
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As both teams had chosen to play in the colours blue, red and black it was impossible to tell who supported who and the result was a huge mass of shouting, quaffing and fighting dwarves and hobgoblins.
The match begun with Terratrasherz on offence. A feint to the left and Burg Snotmauler was alone on the right side running to the endzone for a quick Terratrasher-lead.
* The td was followed by several disconnections and load problems but eventually we got the game running again *
Mandinka Tribe bashed their way through the petty Terratrasherdefence and felt so sure on their score, that they tried to hand the ball to Nehanda the bullcentaur. Unfortunately he was too clumsy and as Dawit the AG4 blodge hobgob tried to pick the ball up in T8 we saw a wonderful set of snakeeyes denying Mandinka Tribe the score.
1-0 for Terratrasherz at halftime.
In the second half Mandinka Tribe's lack of ballhandling skills allowed Terratrasherz to steal the ball. Most of the Tribe-team was engaged in a midfield scuffle when Smat Snotmauler got away. He did what he shouldn't have done - the gfi we all hate: 1 - rr - 1... Mandinka Tribe had three turns to score and succeeded in a spectacular play involving the troll Moshoeshoe running with the ball. Chaos dwarf blocker Barbak Stonesplitter was killed on the way and was missed during the rest of the match.
Overtime and Terratrasherz was on offence once more. The lack of strength on the team and our AG4 hobgob Nerxa Snotmauler's inability to get hold of the ball allowed Mandinka Tribe another score and we couldn't even it up. 2-1 for Mandinka Tribe and an early farewell to the Cup for Terratrasherz.
The match lasted for 3,5 hour - primarily because of the crashes in the first half and my opponent's 5-6 min turns... I must admit that I was getting tired and unfocused during the second half and my lack of concentration was punished in a suiting way. Had I resisted the temptation to do the famous gfi in the second half, I think it would have been a sure win, but it wasn't to be.
Good game by Tricktickler and good luck to him and Mandinka Tribe in the rest of the tourney. But if you want to beat those skaven in round 2, you gotta play faster mate... :)”