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Match Result · League division
Match recorded on 2005-10-03 20:31:03
CTV 1350k Undead
Winnings 70k
No change Dedicated Fans
Casualties 0/0/0
Skaven CTV 2100k
20k Winnings
Fanfactor +1
2/1/1 Casualties
Player Performances
What can i say to this mess....

Well, since "Dominik" obviously uses the public match report trying to damage my reputation, im forced to defend myself here i guess.

The ongoings were "oddly strange" because of that, and because of my poor english i fail to describe the incidents in an adequate short way, im kinda sorry for the whole matter. On the other hand i can not allow "Dominik" to spread lies about me in the public in this way.

So if anyone actually bothers to read this silly rubbish which i actually think doesnt belong here, but "Dominik" unfortunately started and decided to put here, i tried to highlight the most important lines....but html doesnt work it seems....well, on the most important incrimination probably, the last turn foul:
it was him fouling me on turn 6 or 7 in the second half with a DP i think, but with plenty of assists in a situation where i was long outnumbered and he stalled the ball 2-3 squares in front of my endzone for several turns already out of my reach, and half of my players prone and occupied and with every block i could make, with every single player on the field being a 2d block against me! (That foul ended up killing my player btw.)
He is calling my a last turn fouler now. This foul and much more important that sort of hypocrisy the whole game through made me foul him. Im normally no last turn fouler and i told "Dominik"!
Actually i dont care about the foul at all, its the hypocrisy of him having the guts now to use a public Match report to complain about my foul and giving me a bad name overall what i care about!
Im commenting on it somewhere down in the last lines if anyone is sad enough to read it at all.
Actually i never had anyone acting that strange on fumbbl ever before, and his hypocrisy is actually really quite remarkable to be true.

To put it in one sentence, this guy turned out to be the definition of hypocrisy, im trying to let the facts speak for themselves:

- We had several disconnects in this game forcing us to restart several times. After each restart he demanded that every part of the turn had to be reconstructed as it was. <b>Since these are the rules i had nothing to complain about ...but before i could even say a word he told me he had a screenshot to proof everything and he even wanted me to do everything in the correct order like things were done before.</b> I thought that was a bit finical, especially since it doesnt matter in which order things are being reconstructed if a different outcome has to be redone anyways!.....and i told him so.
He replied that he was just very correct and that he studies "fractal arguments" in his spare time.....(well how interesting) at this point i was thinking he was just trying to be funny and the game would go on fine and that <b>in fact he was</b> just overly correct but an ok guy - actually i had to find out he was just overly strange... ;)

- Well, even 'though he failed to see that it doesnt matter in which stupid order things were reconstructed, if every different outcome had to be redone anyways, i did what he told me and redid every single thing, like he wanted it, in the order which he didnt stop telling me constantly via chat! I did all that without a further comment. Mind you that these things were mostly really meaningless to the game and that we had to do several of these restarts!

- At one restart i thought he did something he didnt do before, normally i really give a crap about this, but since he really hassled me with his "overcorrectness" the whole game 'through, i demanded to see one of his silly screenshots.....<b>he then told me i had to say sorry to him if i was wrong for suspecting him to cheat. Now to get this correct: if he wants you to redo every meaningless little thing, even in the right meaningless order and he tells you he got screenshots as a proof before you've even said one thing on it , its perfectly ok....but if you ask him to do just the very same thing your accusing him to cheat and you have to ask pardon for it!</b> <i>Thats just the pure defintion of hypocrisy, nothing else.</i>

- At least twice after restarts i had a different reload than him....he then told me time after time that i failed to redo the stuff in the right order. When i explained to him i just had a different "screen" than him he failed to understand it....even when i told him im trying to SYNC he didnt understand the situation and was complaining.

- 3-4 turns before the game end the last restart occured. He continued telling me in which order i had to redo things, 'though this is completely meaningless and even if i would have done something completely different there was no chance for me causing him any harm or reaching his gutter which was stalling the ball for several turns now 2-3 squares before my endzone.
Not only was it totally meaningless that he insisted on the "correct" order it was actually totally needless as <b>i was just doing what he told me anyway....like i did the whole game!</b>
This was really getting on my nerves, so i demanded the same right to redo a block i did with a skellie that had been a "PUSHBACK" before restart and now was a powskull. I didnt have block on that skellie, actually i didnt care at all about this. I just wanted him to have a taste of what i had to suck up the whole match! So i insisted on the restart. He now argued: he lost connection before i did that block so i had to take the block as it was....actually he even said i wasnt allowed to perform any action at all with the skellie as the last screenshot he had, showed that skellie without having comitted an action yet! This screenshot was done before i ended my turn and before i did anything with that skellie (of course...) and he said so himself, but it doesnt matter!
I know it sounds just strange but thats what he said. Translated: just because he lost connection before i did, i wasnt allowed to attempt any action with a player in his opinion! <b>And actually i was only asking to redo a (PUSHBACK!) block on him like it happened before the restart - just like he wanted me to do the whole game through! I wasnt allowed to even commit an action with that player in his opinion. <i>Pure hypocrisy!</i>

- To top it of he even stopped the game then to ask in the admin channel about it. He came back and told me he was right.

- I went to the admin channel to see what has been said there and it turned out they actually told him that he was wrong and i was right.</b> Anyways, as soon as i was in the channel admins told me i was right and he accepted that....'though he still hassled the admins with detailed questions about the situation, "to know for the future"...i didnt see anyone replying to him within 10 mins...

- <b>Actually an admin told me he believed me 100% as he knows "his (Dominiks) record here" and that i should make sure to come back if he fails to apply to the rules again...</b>

- Game went on then, <b>Dominik started chatting to me....which i replied to generously ;). This made my last turns took over 4 mins!</b>
He was complaining about it and i told him that of course i reply to him if he chats to me - which he started on both my last turns, which of course can end up in a longer turntime...add to this that he stopped the game in the last turns and hassle the admins over a thing that is meaningless by itselfs (a pushback block on him!) already and where actually also everyone has to fail to understand his "logic", he is now complaining here about me making the last turns took long! <i>pure hypocrisy!</i>

- <b>i also told him he broke the 4 mins rule himself several times, that without me chatting to him. Which is true, at least 1 time i can assure it - replay has it.....(probably 2-3 times, but i cant 100% say im sure on this).
He called me a liar then.</b> <i>Pure hypocrisy!</i>

- <b>Now on the probably most important thing and the harshest incrimination Dominik made - last turn foul: after the annoying and time consuming visit to the admin channel which he feeled he had to do, he fouled me with a DP on turn 6 or 7 second half, im quite sure it was a DP but it was with plenty of assists for sure and he killed the fouled player in the process. Thats why i fouled and because of his behaviour the whole game through.</b>
I am also not sure if turn 6 or 7....it is nonrelevant as i was long outnumbered by at least 3-4 players at this point. Only harm i could do would have been a 1d block if i managed a dodge with a skellie or a dodge with one of my 2 ghouls which where laying prone in the tz of players which had tackle. Without any of that dodges (which i didnt take of course) all i could have done would have been 2 d blocks against me with every single player i had on the pitch! His stalling gutter was out of any reach of course to. So this foul wasnt tactical at all! It was very clear he just did it to inflict a cas on me probably because he was pissed.

- When i then fouled in turn 16 he had the guts to complain and i told em in detail i fouled him on that last turn because of the way he behaved and because he fouled and killed a player in the last 2-3 turns of the game when nothing could prevent his td and victory anymore and none of his players were threatened at all and that i normally dont commit last turn fouls! But im the stinky last turn fouler now. ;) <i>Pure hypocrisy!</i>

- On that last 2-3 turns he also said he filled out a support ticket on me. He didnt answer why. I actually was asking the admins to tell me what his complaints were......not that i actually care and if they cant spare the time i can live with that to, but actually just because this has to be the strangest thing ever happened to me on fumbbl and i just wanted to have a laugh at it at least.

He also was quite unfriendly the whole game through and told me in quite a commanding tone what i had to do, load this file, load that file, choose this proxy....do this, do that. I know which files to reload of course and well...
Seems to be an overly self confident sort of guy,....but in a bad way unfortunately, as he just seemed to have some kind of perception disorder to me, at least that is how he acted.

Overall "Dominik" is the strangest thing ever happened to me on fumbbl, and his behaviour during this match perfectly defined hypocrisy.
I wont conceal 'though that a good part of the game was played in quite a friendly way which i enjoyed, despite his overly correct and dominant behaviour and his snotty attitude and comments. But from a certain point on, when i asked him to live up to his own finical principles he just acted, well, very nuts...and sadly thats just really the only appropriate descpription i can give to be true.

After all its not surprising for me he choosed the public Match report and his Game comment instead of the support ticket to comment on me - where this kind of personal stuff actually belongs, go figure.

On a sidenote: Dominik, do you actually understand the "Match Report" is for putting in "Game Comments" and not personal comments? Hence the description "Game Comments" ....
Theres plenty of alternatives where such personal stuff can be put on and where it actually belongs.

Im actually quite sorry to be true for all the rubbish here where it doesnt belong....but i felt i had to defend me somehow from all that hypocritical lying and i simply just didnt know how elsewise!
To start a whole thread on the forum on this rubbish would have been even worse maybe, so if anyone reads this crap, he now knows the truth. And well, what am i supposed to do else... :|

Jeesus.....the madness continues...clash of the retards... ;)

Just "want" to have my say on a few of his lines:

- He fouled me on turn 6 or 7, there was no chance at all for me preventing his td or victory. All blocks i could have made were 2 d blocks against me, i was outnumbered. Whether he is lying, about me still having chances to win, or if he simply fails to see the truth i dont know. Anyone really interested can just simply watch the replay, no chances for me to cause any harm at all in any way anymore, period.
He killed the player, i dont care.
He is complaining about my last turn foul now, i think thats hypocrisy.

- He wanted to have every single thing reconstructed as it happened before in the right order, he told me he had screenshots. Though i havent complaint or even did say a word on it.
When i asked him to see a screeenshot myself because i thought he forgot an action he told me i had to beg pardon for suspecting him to cheat.
I didnt, i was obviously just asking to be treated the same way he wanted to be treated.
I call that hypocrisy.

- When i asked to redo a block that has been a pushback on him before restart and now was powskull he said i had to take the powskull as he couldnt witness the block because he lost connection before i did.
He actually even said i was not allowed to attempt any action with that skellie, its true.
Whatever you choose, he was still denying me the same rights he enjoyed the whole game through. He is calling me childish now for demanding the same things he demanded the whole game through. I call that hypocrisy.

To top it of he even hassled the admins with that and delayed the game.
(As if it wasnt meaningless enough if i did a pushback on him, even if he was right. Which he wasnt, admins told em so.)

- I wasnt ASTOUNED at all that he was demanding that every little thing had to be redone like before the restart. I did all that what he was demanding and sucked it up without commenting on it.
At one point, when i demanded the very same rights he enjoyed the whole game through, he turned nuts visiting the admin channel and all that. Thats the point when i first complaint about it and i said so CLEARLY. Dunno why he is lying about it.

- Quoting Dominik: "Because i had several causes where coaches - i call them "unexperienced coaches" (which are you too btw, that's why I "helped" you with the reloads)"
That gives a fairly impression of his snotty attitude. How does he even know im unexperienced? How do you fuckin know?
I know BB for years and i have played on fumbbl now for several month i guess, i know which file type to load ect...
And on a sidenote: Dominiks help was actually commanding me what i had to do in a very unfriendly stressed tone.
So how does he know im unexperienced at all? Because of the way i played, well if i played bad maybe in his opinion? Maybe that could also be because i simply want to play certain teams in a certain way for the fun of it, even if that lowers my chances to win....who knows.

- "Lol, i do not study mathematics nor physics etc. I answered with fractal arguments after he asked me why I am so accurate... stupid question - stupid answer"
Do you get that i actually understood it the way it was meant, in a joking way? And im saying so clearly.
I just point this out as its quite remarkable for ALL the problems we had during the game. Maybe your lying or you so damn self confident that you actually dont get anymore whats really going on around you, i dont know. Thats what i call a problem of deception, or a perception disorder if you want to put it that way.
Do you actually get i understood you perfectly professor?

- "Erm and syncing didn't work (so many lies, unbelievable) cause your mummy got invisible."
Man, this actually is even a bit funny. How can a guy that self confident in his intellect fail to to understand the most simple facts now again and again. ;)
This is exactly the problem i described, it was actually his players i coudnt see, but well it doesnt matter a bit: AS WE OBVIOUSLY BOTH DID SEE DIFFERENT PITCHES WITH DIFFERENT SETUPS! Do you get it now?
I was trying to explain it to him in the game, but he failed to understand the problem, instead he didnt stop telling me in quite an unfriendly manner that i didnt reconstruct things like they were.
Now he shows he still doesnt understand what was going on and still accuses me to lie or have cheated on him. Crazy, crazy.... ;)

- Anyways, i had SEVERAL Admins now backing up my opnion and they even said Dominik already has a bad record here. Actually they even had words more unfriendly for Dominik.

I actually dont know if Dominik really lies or if he just fails to see what is really going on. Hell, i dont know.
I would be glad if Dominik would stop using the Match Report to comment on this matter. Not because im scared of anything, im 100% confident i didnt do anything wrong and admins backed me up now more than once.

I just was already sorry that i was dumb enough to defend myself here, this crap simply doesnt belong here even if Dominik started it.
All that we managed to do is making us BOTH look like retards now. ;)
If anyone really bothers to read this at all....which i doubt.

So, if you want to continue this please fill in another ticket if you really think you have to Dominik....or do a post on the forum if you feel it will help the human mankind. Feel even free to contact me personally if you want to sort things out!
Im fed up with this. Dumb enough i replied. :)

PS: Is there a contest for the most retarded Match Report going on btw?
Player Performances
Childish boy.
He delayed the last 3 rounds so extremely, that they took 25 mins on his part (last turn: 10 min for 3 blocks)
He is also turn 16 fouler which could not understand why i fouled a ghoul in turn 7... .

Comment to his report:
I used also the support ticket to make a complaint about you.
As admins do not punish childish and inappropiate behaviour of coaches (why should they?) i think the match report is the best way to tell others also about a coach which is responsible for the majority of the fun in a bloodbowl game.
If there would be a user rating (i. e: 5 stars = fantastic person ... 1 = never play again him) i would see no need to write about a coach in the match report.

he said that I was overweening (arrogant) in the match.
How would you react when he tolds you he can't play via Direct-IP before the match (as i suggested) bec. he does not know how to ... .
He persisted on playing via proxy and what happened? Two crashes.
Well, that takes normally only 5 minutes, but he needed months to join a game or load a .inc file himself. Erm and syncing didn't work (so many lies, unbelievable) cause your mummy got invisible.

When we finally continued our game he was ASTONISHED that I insisted on replaying the game (i. e.: stand up with this one first, block then, then blitz like he did before the crash).
Inaccuracy is out of place in Bloodbowl.
"chilitamer" insulted me also during the match talking that I'm so strange and zany. He started to do it directly after the crash.
I didn't insult him before it.

Here are my justifications to his reproaches:

"He replied that he was just very correct and that he studies "fractal arguments"
---> Lol, i do not study mathematics nor physics etc. I answered with fractal arguments after he asked me why I am so accurate... stupid question - stupid answer.

"it doesnt matter in which order things are being reconstructed if a different outcome has to be redone anyways!.....and i told him so."
---> It does. Why? Because i had several causes where coaches - i call them "unexperienced coaches" (which are you too btw, that's why I "helped" you with the reloads) - did their most important things (blocks, blitzes) after a reload first (sometimes you need 10 reloads to get after 3 blocks in one turn all 3 with the things you needed [pushes there, pows etc]) and did THEN their movements wrong or didn't move a player because they forgot it.
How frustrating is this when all the blocks were correct and then you have to reload bec. he f..... forgot to move a lineman NOT to this position?

"I did all that without a further comment."
--->That's the biggest lie here at all! You argued, discussed and behaved like a defiant child. To every sentence: "Why this, why that, but, you're strange, did you know" etc.
We probably talked longer than we played!

"i demanded to see one of his silly screenshots"
He got it. Took 35 sec. till it was in his mail inbox. And then? Then he needed minimum 7 min to go to yahoo, open and proof it. He even said that he needed that long bec. he virus checked... needed minutes over minutes to virus check a 238kb big file? What cheek!

"just because he lost connection before i did, i wasnt allowed to attempt any action with a player in his opinion! "
---> Oh my god!!!!! You were allowed to, but you have to take what comes, you were allowed to do what you want after the reload and after we replayed all the things that happened when we were in sync!!!
I said to you: take the skull/pows or reload the roll.

"To top it of he even stopped the game then to ask in the admin channel about it. He came back and told me he was right.
I went to the admin channel to see what has been said there and it turned out they actually told him that he was wrong and i was right."
---> Enough is enough. You should get banned for this lie!
I copied a quotation of RagingGoblin which said i am right. That was in the main chat.
You remember what where my comments to RagingGoblin's quotation? "Go to the main chat, they tell me that I'm right!"
And now you lie here and say I quotated the admins. *mad*

'though he still hassled the admins with detailed questions about the situation, "to know for the future"
You're right. As I'm very accurate, i have to know every detail. I hate it acting incorrectly or breaking the rules unwittingly! That's one of the points differing us both... .

"Game went on then, Dominik started chatting to me....which i replied to generously ;). This made my last turns took over 4 mins!"
Yeah, I started chatting to you. I said to you: please hurry up! Don't break the 4min turn limit etc.
That was all. There are no instructions in turn 7 and 8 because WE DIDN'T RELOAD THERE.
So you delayed the game willingly for more than !!!18 minutes !!! in the last two turns - poor sportsmanship and truly mean.

"he just seemed to have some kind of perception disorder to me"
---> Another case for the admins. You laughed about me during the game and don't stop insulting me even now. Do you realise how wrong you reacted?

I fouled your strength 4 blodge Ghould - how wonder.
I neither had a cage not the power to stop a mummy and two ghouls, which were two turns (mummy one turn with two gfi's) away from my gutter runner.
So what do to protect a sure touchdown? Foul if your opponent still stands up after getting proned with almost every player (except this mummy which I could not stop and was in reach to my GR with the ball).

Don't tell me you have no chance to win. Because then you stay knocked prone! You didn't. I fouled your most dangerous player. And: the ref was spotting you. If you would not have fouled every time back, i could not do three fouls. But that's tactics which you will surely learn sometime.
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