“Turn 2 of the match our RO kills himself a zombie dead, feels very proud of himself. Must be why he decided to do absolutely nothing else the rest of the game...
Several opportunities for me to put the game away, but a combination of bad-luck dodging on my part and lucky POW-ing on his kept the game close til the end. Indeed, it was only through the intervention of our newly-minted OTS gutter that we managed to squeek out a draw.
Two skills, one of them a double, means we now have 3 block/guard linerats, and a fourth linerat just a single touchdown away from his second skill--might we make it 4 guards at once? Stay tuned...”
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Several opportunities for me to put the game away, but a combination of bad-luck dodging on my part and lucky POW-ing on his kept the game close til the end. Indeed, it was only through the intervention of our newly-minted OTS gutter that we managed to squeek out a draw.
Two skills, one of them a double, means we now have 3 block/guard linerats, and a fourth linerat just a single touchdown away from his second skill--might we make it 4 guards at once? Stay tuned...”