“Match number 6 for the Censored Fungus -ask Admin players.
CF -aA were expecting to see Elves dodging all over the place, sprinting, throwing.. you know, all the stuff they usually do. Luckily for us, we saw alot of them failing to do the afore mention'd things.
Träd were, short a few players, so we really had the numbers. The Saurus' blocked well. Milk Drops, our resident Kroxigor for the time being, spent alot of the match just standing there, laying down. She's nice, just very stupid. Well, nice if you are a lizardman.. well, not really, but she's never attacked anyone on the team. The skinks pickup the ball in this match. That was a welcome change. Little Skull-Crusher ran in the first TD, and Best Boizy the other, after he made the teams first competion interception.
In short, alot of what we wanted to do worked, often when we needed it.
While for Träd it was another story. Rarely did anything work.
Well played roos, thanks for the game. Perhaps again when our team numbers are alittle closer.
CF -aA were expecting to see Elves dodging all over the place, sprinting, throwing.. you know, all the stuff they usually do. Luckily for us, we saw alot of them failing to do the afore mention'd things.
Träd were, short a few players, so we really had the numbers. The Saurus' blocked well. Milk Drops, our resident Kroxigor for the time being, spent alot of the match just standing there, laying down. She's nice, just very stupid. Well, nice if you are a lizardman.. well, not really, but she's never attacked anyone on the team. The skinks pickup the ball in this match. That was a welcome change. Little Skull-Crusher ran in the first TD, and Best Boizy the other, after he made the teams first competion interception.
In short, alot of what we wanted to do worked, often when we needed it.
While for Träd it was another story. Rarely did anything work.
Well played roos, thanks for the game. Perhaps again when our team numbers are alittle closer.
"..................... .................. ....?......... ........ ' -Milk Drops, midmatch