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CTV 3180k Chaos Chosen
Skaven CTV 2100k
#7 Brother Alokhar – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#7 Brother Alokhar – Smashed Hip (-MA)
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Enough is enough.
There comes a time in every rat's life when he either has to just pack it in and go home to momma, or stand tall and prove to the world that you don't mess with a 6' tall rat! And the team responded with the latter today, just smashing through the chaos lines, again and again, pestering the opposition til they were so distracted, they didn't have time to hit back!
Handicaps: Morley's Revenge on 3 chaos, to include their claw/rsc monster (who never managed to take the pitch)...ironman, naturally given to my own claw/rsc monster...buzzing, again to my claw/rsc...bribe the ref, giving my dp free reign to roam...and bonehead, should the enemy claw/rsc guy ever take the pitch...
Game starts, and in turn 1 we've already gang-fouled a CW to the MNG box. He bottles up the side pretty well, so we do a sweeping reverse, using our skaven speed to outflank him. But then we got greedy...trying to set up for a shot on his str4 claw beastman, we double-1 the gfi with our ballrat assist. It's a simple matter for him to get the ball into the hands of his str6 CW, who begins rumbling down the pitch, and the only one who can get near him is...a gutter? A dauntless/horns gutter? Nope, simply a blodge/sidestep/shadowing gutter, yet this little hellion single-handedly won the game for us today. He simply would NOT be dislodged from the chaos monster, and when the half was expiring the chaos failed their dodge for the endzone.
Halftime scoreless, but 4 chaos in the injury box, not a single rat. We're starting to believe!
The chaos accept the ball, but the skaven hitting continues, and the chaos, overconfident in their own bashing skills, fail to dislodge our gutters from around the ball-beast. Along comes our thrower, BOOM, and the free ball bounces to where our OTS gutter can scoop up and score, 1-0 rats! The crowd was going absolutely wild!
Lineup again, but it's a blitz! Gutters range deep into enemy territory, putting great pressure upon his agi5 bighand beast, but he's up to the task. Take the ball, dodge away from our shadower, toss it upfield to...well, not entirely certain who it was going to in the first place, but the str6 CW ended up with the ball, which was just fine by my opponent. Again he begins rumbling down the pitch...but can you believe that the rats have numberical superiority? Again, along comes our sidestepper to harrass the CW, who just can't shake this annoying insect from off his ankles! While our RO, claw/rsc and dp remove any threat from chaos tacklers, the chaos are trying everything they can to get this pest away.
Eventually the CW has to try a dodge for the tying score as time expires, but fails, the ball landing safely where only rats can reach. Time runs out, and the stunned rats are looking around in bewilderment...we won! OMG, WE WON!!! The fans were ecstatic, throwing money from the heavens onto the pitch, and clamoring to get tickets to the first round match of the upcoming Fumbbl Cup!
GG, InZanity, maybe you'll find another QS qualifier to make it into...”