“well Badmrmojo has prety much summed the game up in his report. we both had a very tuff defense which was very tuff to break down. I did get out once but got went down on a GFI (FOR A TD) lol always the same, but a real good game played by both coaches and all in all a top game & looking forward to playing mrmojo again”
“Tough match against a great opponent. Kingshelm played a great game and is just a good guy to play against.
The game opened up with the mobs receiving and they rumbled down the sideline behind a screen of chaos warriors while keeping my mummies tied up at midfield. Turn 4 or 5, 1-0.
I received and made a push up the side myself, but King's tough defense stopped me pretty much cold. Only by making a ridiculously lucky play to dodge past a beastman (4+ with dodge RR, 4+ with TRR, 3+ without RR and 2+ GFI) I managed to sneak the ball in on turn 7. Score 1-1.
Bash. Bash. Halftime. I receive.
I managed to get a pretty good screen and start up the top side, but a brutal turn by the chaos left 4 or 5 guys stunned and a man on the ballcarrier. I managed to slip my new ghoul out and off to the opposite sideline and the wight with the ball was close behind him. Just one GFI away from a reasonably probable pass and he trips.
Kingshelm swarmed the ball and had it in the next turn or two with a few smart blocks. The 3 CWs and the Ogre were just too much when combined with the STR 4 blitzes. I was out muscled. He started to sneak through to send a lone guy past my (much slower) line for the td and the game, but I managed to catch up to him with a wight and take down the ballcarrier with a lucky dodge and block. Next turn was an early turnover (pow/skull and out of RRs) which gave me a great chance to try some good old fashioned AG 3 Elfball. Check out turn 8 if you want to see a pretty funny play almost (but not quite) work.
Thanks a lot for the match, kingshelm. Anytime you want a rematch, I'm certainly up for it.”
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