“Odd game. Started very well for me, injuring a lot and making 2-0 in the last turn of first half. But with injurytime he scored one back. In 2:nd 7 rats went KO and one BH, and with 8 rats i almost scored, but a 3+ roll missed, and he managed to score a rather difficult td. And then for my try at a pushing one turner. Pitch invasion takes all his 3 on the line, so no chanse for me. A harsh ending, a bit unlucky, but still a fun game. Good luck, ill see if i can catch a Quick Qualifier :-)”
#7 Redundancy is a sin – Broken Ribs (MNG) #7 Redundancy is a sin – Smashed Knee (NI)
“Really a nail biter here.
First 8 turns were perfect for him. The first 5 blocks scored three casualties and the rest of the time he broke armor more often than not. Nearly all block knocked down, no GFI failed, rats dodged with easy though he played 5 turns without reroll. I was unable to get crucuial blocks down, 3+ dodges always needed a teamreroll and so on. I was really close to conceeding at turn 7.
Then things changed. The ref gave injurytime for the 3 cas suffered in half 1. My humans secured as much ground as possible. The rats responded by surrounding the catcher who was the intended reciever and blitzing down the 2nd catcher. A lino was only covered once and after knocking down the cover and KOing a nearby FA-rat he cought the handoff and run in the 1-2.
2nd half my humans actually managed to break armor and cause more than stun. 7 rats went down KO, when my rookie catcher fouled his AG4 stormvermin BH. The decision between a sure overtime with 2 recovery rolls for the rats or a 3 turn shot at a counter-TD with only one recovery roll wasn`t too hard. I was able to stop his gutter who was about to score and put pressure on the ball. Unfortunatelly, his gutter was able to run the ball into safety, where only my catcher could reach him. A push brought this gutter out of reach of the endzone - so he tried a pass to his vermin. My thrower passblocked, but couldn`t intercept despite of AG4. Fortunatelly the vermin missed the catch, so my thrower was able to scoop up the ball, throw it to the waiting catcher, who managed the dodge and GFI for the final 3-2 TD (3+ with reroll, 3+, 2+, 4+ with reroll, 3+ with reroll, 2+).
The pitchinvasion stunning everyone on the LoS was a bonus then.
Thx for the exciting game and I hope you make it through a quick start tourney, so that I can give your rats the appropriate beating in the main tourney.”
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