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Match Result · League division
Match recorded on 2005-10-18 00:08:35
CTV 1370k Skaven
Winnings 70k
+1 Dedicated Fans
Casualties 2/0/0
Orc CTV 1370k
70k Winnings
Fanfactor +1
2/3/0 Casualties
Player Performances

#5 Yokar Elfslaughter – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Vermin Casualties came to the fourth round knowing they were in for a painful game. Their bloodthirsty fans were not to be disappointed. But most surprisingly, it was the Vermin who led the injury stakes in the first half! Yokar Elfslaughter put down two Orcs with authority (and a spiky, gaunleted fist).

In the widezones, Wozza's Whirlwinds did a good job of closing down the ever-present Gutter Runner menace, having been given fair warning in the form of Krispin Braveclaw's early assault. The new recruit proved aptly named, showing no fear as he ploughed into an Orc lineman to open a hole for the play. Wozza's crew soon struck back, however, pounding the line of scrimmage and sending blitzer Gorthal through on an unstoppable run.

It was only in the second half that the tide, predictably, began to turn against the Vermin Casualties. The dugouts filled, true to skaven form, and an inexhaustible supply of Orc reinforcement made fresh breakthroughs almost impossible.

With a second draw in a row, "VC" are no longer the driving force they seemed back in game two. But having just emerged from a gauntlet of ruthlessly violent teams, it is possible that Maggs-A-Million top scorer Repkar Swifttail might still return to prolific form.
Player Performances
Wozza's Whirlwinds had simultaneously been hoping for and dreading their 4th round opponents. Vermin Casualties had the potential to both squash pleasantly beneath the Orc's hobnail boots and run rings around the dozier members of the Whirlwinds.

What is more, they had a team-wide vendetta against Squabble.

Since his arrival in the league, Squabble's incessant scoring has earned the little Goblin adoration from the Whirlwind's fanbase and utter hatred from almost every other corner of the league. Many openly plotted his demise both on and off the Blood Bowl pitch.

(Probably something about him costing 40k and now being the league's second highest scorer bar only Repkar Swifttail the superstar Gutter Runner of Vermin Casualties)

The first half opened well for the Whirlwinds, although the plans which Wozza had so painstakingly scrawled on the driftwood he carried around with him seemed to turn to naught in a matter of minutes. The Whirlwinds conceded an early touchdown and compounded matters by being bested in numerous bouts of legitimate rule-abiding fisticuffs. Grozlob, the rookie Blitzer was badly hurt by his opposite number and in a display of utter incompetence, the Whirlwind's apothecary failed again to treat another player.

(ok, so it's not just the WW Apothecary, I have failed the LAST 4 APOTHECARY ROLLS for my teams. It's getting stupid. No I lie, it was stupid before, now it's a curse)

Clearly, playing by the rules was not going to win them this game.

And so began a campaign of hacking and dirty play the likes of which had not been seen in the Offord Invitational before.

Nivuk was broken out from his markers and found Gorthal, a quick handoff meant that the Blitzer was soon using his impressive speed (relative to the rest of his team) to power towards the Endzone.

By now every rat was on the ground, trying its best to look unconscious so as to avoid a legitimate beating. Unfortunately, legitimacy and abiding by the rules had long since left the minds of the green-skinned assembly and several crunching shoe'ings were administered to the prone rodents - missed by the Referee who was currently following the ball-in-play as Gorthal thundered towards his first career Touchdown.

Nonetheless, even in the light of these not insignificant, beatings the Skaven resolutely refused to live up to their name and stayed out of their amply-sized injury bin. In fact Nivuk was also forced into the Apothecary's care after a storm vermin slashed his shoulder with prominent, pointed teeth and a spiked gauntlet.

Eventually, the rodents began to weary and many of their number were knocked out by furious green forearms, elbows and knees.

Jurpa dashed a full, clear 15 yards to pile violently into Giblak Hurlum, the Skaven thrower and seriously injured the furry little ball-flinger.

However even as the Skaven reeled from injuries, their Gutter Runners found another open gap and squeezed through a touchdown that came from nowhere.

Wozza was obliged to bring Squabble back into the fray, and when the plucky little runt picked up the ball it only gave added incentive to the Vermin Casualties murderous intentions.

Even as the protective green shield formed around Squabble, his furry would-be assassins flailed and broke themselves against it, seeking a way through, a gap just big enough for one of their number to slip between.

Gobnoz was most annoyed at the cheap tactics on display and promptly turned a cheek, albeit one belonging to Yokar Elfslaughter, the rat squealed in pain and was removed from the pitch in need of serious medical attention.

Pordok followed suit, badly hurting a Skaven lineman as the cage closed around the scrappy little goblin.

A Skaven broke ranks and managed to dash round the outside of Squabble's protective shield. He launched a vicious kick into the diminutive runner's midsection but the goblin was simply knocked away, retaining his footing.

More and more Skaven filled the Injured bin (although none in need of much more than a respite from the green maelstrom taking hold on the pitch) and Squabble saw his chance. He burst out from his teammate's protection, screaming and gabbling an incomprehensible stream of high-pitched gibberish.

His tongue lolled from his mouth as he picked up speed and scrabbled with both feet and one hand towards the endzone.

Repkar Swifttail, caught sight of what his comrades did not and sought to end both the repugnant little upstart's scoring opportunity and career in one fell swoop. With preternatural speed he barreled into the Goblin but failed ultimately, to connect with his rabid swings.

Finally, Thrakka the most distinguished Black Orc to wear the Whirlwinds armband, caught up with Repkar and dispatched the league-leading Gutter Runner with a swift punch to the forehead that knocked him out cold.

Squabble ran his 6th Touchdown home and the Whirlwinds pulled a disappointing yet relief-soaked draw out of the jaws of defeat.

No serious injuries. No Deaths. It may have been a draw when he could have used a win but Wozza was pleased with his team's performance. The Vermin Casualties had the best record in the league, now they shared the same as his own.

The worldly Orc eagerly put his winnings towards hiring some new talent for the Whirlwinds. Another Black Orc Blocker - few of the coming games he would face in the Offord International would likely be so kind to his players well-being.

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