“That was quite harsh. A thrall died after a failed dodge early on, and another SI'd himself doing the same. Add to that lots of KOs, and all in all I made hard work of scoring although there was some excellent defense (and mad dodging by vamps) hampering the Immortalis drives. My luck came from blocking, his from his vamps dodging. His blocking was at times awful (8 dice to bring down the ball carrier on one occasion) and mine awesome (blodge made irrelevant).
It probably should have been 3-0 but I went for a 5th pass of the game and failed it, setting up Angelface for 2-1, although he needed a few rolls to make it.”
It probably should have been 3-0 but I went for a 5th pass of the game and failed it, setting up Angelface for 2-1, although he needed a few rolls to make it.”