“This is the third version of Feng Shui Fighters. Hopefully they will live for a bit.
Our Kung Fu was very strong this game. Many elves knocked over. No injuries though not even a BH. I did manage to get some TD's spread around including a pass to the endzone to my mino for some much needed early SPPS for him. Fans enjoyed the game despite the lack of blood and the money from the gate was good enough to pickup a 3rd Blitzer bringing the Fighters up to a more comforting 12 man team. Most of the game the elves were lying on thier backs making touchdowns very easy. ”
Our Kung Fu was very strong this game. Many elves knocked over. No injuries though not even a BH. I did manage to get some TD's spread around including a pass to the endzone to my mino for some much needed early SPPS for him. Fans enjoyed the game despite the lack of blood and the money from the gate was good enough to pickup a 3rd Blitzer bringing the Fighters up to a more comforting 12 man team. Most of the game the elves were lying on thier backs making touchdowns very easy. ”