“Well, it looked like an even game, although he didnt hae many Tacklers. But in my experience, Strength and some hard hitting can make up for that rather easy. And i only had 11 men, soon reduced to 9, then 8....7... :-) But some risky rolls from my opponent started to take his toll on the rerolls stash. Sure he was unlucky, but thats what you get when trying to grab the ball and pass it around without skills or AG increase.
No injuries on either of us in the end, and at least one skill for u, i had none. Again. GG, cu around!”
“Luck readings are out due to multiple server crashes.
This match report may contain language that you find distasteful.
If you are easily offended, sensitive, have no sense of humour, or have had something tragic happen to yourself or a loved one then look away now in case you have a reaction to something in the report.
The following terms may or may not be used in the following match report:
Bad coaching
Bad luck
Dice rape
A dice rape if I ever ever saw one lol. Being out cassed by a team with no mighty blow and the scoreline says it all. Watch the replay if you don't believe me.
Was a mismatch to start off with with the Cadavers only having one Tackler, only one player with Guard and Mummies without Block, but the dice rolls well and truly turned this game into a farce.
I started with a Blitz and over committed on purpose, thinking it would be a 2 turn TD by my opponent would be ok as I would still have 6 turns to score. A 2 turn TD it was.
My opponent then got a blitz on me with a deep kick to boot! Anyone who has played a lot of games knows that Elves benefit far more from a blitz than Undead with their higher movement and ability to pressure the backfielders with only AG3.
2-0 to the Dragonlords
Sure enough, I burnt a RR trying to pick up the ball, and then failed a GFI to get into position to hand off the ball and of course, the ball scatters to the worst place for me :)
Soon it was 3-0 to the Dragonlords
I started to do silly things because it was clear this game would be a farce, like trying a 3+ pass in the midfield without a reroll. What happens? The ball scatters to a really bad spot again lol.
The Dragonlords swarmed the area, and it was 4-0 to them soon after. Not even half time yet!!!
Nothing worked and soon the Dragonlords were up 4-0.
However, the Cadavers did manage two casualties and a KO (from a turn 8 foul) to give them a player advantage at the start of the second drive.
With 11-8, to start the drive and receiving, you would think I had a chance to score. Wrong! Fail a 3+ pick up, then the 3+ hand off (not necessary, but surely I couldn't keep failing so many 3+ rolls could I?!?!?).
The Dragonlords pushed into my backfield. Not a problem I thought, I prepare for a pick up and run to my mob in the middle. Snake-eyes on the pickup. What else? LOL.
Dragonlords do a stack of GFIs to throw a TD pass and score once more to take the score to 5-0. What a joke :)
I managed to make a TD but not without the usual cruddy rolls to pick up the ball. It coulda easily been 0-5.
Then the dice raping continued. With Sweltering Heat, I failed 4 from 13 rolls and my opponent 1 from 7.
I started fouling and got a KO (+4). He fouled back at +2 and got a Stun. I fouled at +2 and got a stun. He fouled at +2 and got a casualty. More one sided luck :)
Amazingly, I manage to score a TD. It really was amazing given the dice rolls that had preceded thus far.
No disrespect to SergeiBautin who played a faultess game, but this was not an even match up to start with (I had two players with two advances, the rest one or none, whereas he had 2 with four, 2 with three and 5 with two) and then the dice gave me no chance at all.
Next drive, finally some luck... he failed 2 from 7 Sweltering Heat rolls and I failed 1 from 11. 5 took the field and he even rolled a snake eyes on a dodge early in the drive!
I applied some pressure on his 5 players and he is forced to do a Long Bomb after doing a dodge and 2 GFI. My two taggers on his Lion Warrior spoils the catch. My turn. Push the Catcher off the ball. Now a 3+ dodge with RR to get to the ball, pick it up and try a pass downfield. 2, reroll, 2.
Fall over. His turn, two dice blitz (he was Str 4) to push one player away, 3+ pick up, 2+ dodge and score.
Farce over LOL.
This game was extremely stupid. I failed something like two thirds of my 3+ rolls whereas my opponent only had one bad roll the whole game (the snake eyes when the game was well and truly over at 5-1).
Nothing worked. He did as many block casualties as I did and I had two Mighty Blow guys. I did more fouls with higher modifiers and he got a casualty and a stun. I got a Stun, KO, Stun, KO.
I am damn surprised I didn't roll double 1 for money and fan factor lol.
Ok, finished ranting. Just a game, move on Malthor :)
I take exception to that comment about taking risky rolls without rerolls being a factor. I did that after the game was well and truly gone.
I was failing 3+ pick up rolls in the open using rerolls more than once before that stage. You were picking up the ball with 3+ (a few times in a tackle zone (when you didn't use your AG5) without needing any rerolls.
At that stage of the game (where I was taking rolling the dice without rerolls, the score was already 3-0 etc. So I mighta lost 4-1 or 4-2 instead of 6-1? My taking risky rolls was way after the winner was decided (5 turns into the first half).
And you had 11 men right up to turn 8 of the first half when the score was 4-0 already and the game was well and truly decided well before that. And you scored with 8 and you scored with 5. You may be a good coach, but I am no noob either and luck was an extreme factor in this game.
Guess we agree to disagree on this one then.
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
No injuries on either of us in the end, and at least one skill for u, i had none. Again. GG, cu around!”