#7 'Genius' Joggo – Smashed Knee (NI) #8 Shag Rat – Dead (RIP)
“After a six-person Pitch Invasion and two casualties on the first round, including Morg, I thought the game as good as over. However, due to a few critical turnovers and excellent passing by the Green Ones, the game turned. Grog (the 100+ SPP Piling On Ogre) was killed by a foul on the first round of the second half. Later, Big Nose Rokky wound up with a missed pass landing straight in his hands and carried it to a very stalled goal. Bloodrunners had to set up for their last drive with only four players on the pitch.
The Black Orcs had to carry a lot of the game, with one SI and one Kill from a foul on the very last turn (thank you for that). All in all, a hard, vicious match... I'm glad it's Dark Elves for the next one.”
The Black Orcs had to carry a lot of the game, with one SI and one Kill from a foul on the very last turn (thank you for that). All in all, a hard, vicious match... I'm glad it's Dark Elves for the next one.”