“Hmm, thought I'd be smashed to a pulp, and the worst thing that happened was a KO... Weird indeed, since my dodging was way off, and a ST 4 runner held on tight to his balls... and the ball.
Dang, Oliersa attracts lot of 1s with her AG 6... Hmm, better get some other skill on her... like dodge or leap...
Well, I was beaten by a more experienced dorf-team, but when I had the ball, and missed the pass at 2... that was a turningpoint... otherwise I bet we'd have a 2-2 or perhaps even 2-1 game here...
Ah, well... no use in whining or pondering...
We got money and no FF-decrease or injuries... that is always good... ”
Dang, Oliersa attracts lot of 1s with her AG 6... Hmm, better get some other skill on her... like dodge or leap...
Well, I was beaten by a more experienced dorf-team, but when I had the ball, and missed the pass at 2... that was a turningpoint... otherwise I bet we'd have a 2-2 or perhaps even 2-1 game here...
Ah, well... no use in whining or pondering...
We got money and no FF-decrease or injuries... that is always good...