“For the first time the Call took to the field versus human opposition, and much had been made of their intricate plays and blocking potential, Kel-Shaq was not amused. In a first half that had everything(which in khemri terms means a cage) the Call took the lead when Guiseppe went over for a well earned touchdown. Apu struck down the living as one who has been dead far longer than his years, and Kradal earnt his first MVP award. Still no closer to finding Mummy, despite inquisitions in the area, Orphans Call move on to continue their thusfar fruitless search. As they left they came across a train of carriages marked Special Boot Service, which appeared to have been carrying fans and equipment to the Calls opposition, It would appear however bandits struck. This would explain the poor performance of the human blitzers, and why the Call now have a travelling faithful of 4 wanderers affectionately known as the Skelligirls...
Dead Men dont tell tales... But they sure play a mean Bloodbowl game.
The Call move on. So There.”
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Dead Men dont tell tales... But they sure play a mean Bloodbowl game.
The Call move on. So There.”