Dr Zak's Latest entry into the SWL Old World, The Evil Lass's, started with typical brutality. The first turn set the tone for the whole game, a stunning blitz by the orcs(?) ripped into the soft virginal underbelly of the Evil Lass's.
Nuffle decided to smite the Lass's after Dr Zak accidentally desicrated a sacred site, and the dice went heavily against the lass's. Dr Zak was reported as sayin ... "next time we will hev you" . we can only wait and see.
“SWL Season XII - Commissioner Twahn Memorial Regional League - Round 3
This game was a slaugher right from the start. We started off with a blitz that left the Evil Lass's in a poor position, forcing them into 1-d blocks. This was immediately followed by inflicting two casualties, and then knocking out a third player, leaving only 8 amazons on the field against 11 orcs (orks?), and they didn't stand much of a chance from that point onwards.
Between us, we had 5 double skulls in the match, and the extra re-roll we had certainly came in handy!
This match was surprisingly clean, not a single foul all match! Even Elbow Kikka, our new dirty player managed to resist the temptation of kicking the girls while they were down.
------------------- Twahnlow Votes -------------------
3 pts - #5 Evil Jossie
Though she didn't quite make it, her valiant effort dodging through the orcish line cam close to earning the Lass's a touchdown. She managed to get the ball most of the way to the TD line, but her moment of glory was cut short when she was knocked out cold.
2 pts - #9 Evil Sally
Though it certainly came at a cost, her effort on the line of scrimmage kept the crowd entertained. Especially when she gave Back Breaka a solid headbutt. Unfortunately, Back Breaka isn't all that bright, and an incredibly thick skull meant that Evill Sally came off second best. (Back Breaka=BH, Evil Sally=SI (fractured skull -AV).
1pt - #8 Evil Jacinta
Well, she didn't do quite as much as she should have, but more than most of the team, and she did earn a SPP - passing the ball to Jossie who was the girl with the moves - dodging her way into the opposing half (for a moment until she was knocked out cold).”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Dr Zak's Latest entry into the SWL Old World, The Evil Lass's, started with typical brutality. The first turn set the tone for the whole game, a stunning blitz by the orcs(?) ripped into the soft virginal underbelly of the Evil Lass's.
Nuffle decided to smite the Lass's after Dr Zak accidentally desicrated a sacred site, and the dice went heavily against the lass's. Dr Zak was reported as sayin ... "next time we will hev you" . we can only wait and see.
------------------- Twahnlow Votes -------------------
3pts - #1 Neck Krusha - a masive amount of blocks, held the zons up.
2pts - # 13 Back Breaka - 13spps need i say more :-) 1CP, 1TD, 2Cas 1MVP :-) demon
1pts - #6 Little runner - she has such an approriate name :-)
Cheers - Dr Zak”