“Nuffle shone brightly upon the Goblinz, and saw fit to grant tactical wisdom upon the beleagured Goblin opponents of the Kritturz.
You read the match report right - no injuries to carry over to the next game. With the Dwarves seemingly uninterested in blocking (most 3 dice blocks were ALL PUSHBACKS!) and struggling to make headway, the 'Blinz made good early progress, but it came to a grinding halt with the failure of several key moves. Even the Trolls had been 'really not stupid at all', but when the star player, fungus the loon, took a tumble and died, things started to go down hill for Poke 'em.
With every block that came thereafter, their numbers thinned, but the Apothecary managed to revive a particularly squashed looking gobbo. With the Apo away to the bar, the end of the 1st and all the 2nd without an Apo seemed rather daunting...
The Hobgoblin Cruzin Forrabruzinn managed to fumble and scrabble his way to the end zone after discovering the ball was in fact a bar of soap, and at the setup, coach Sgt Colon faced a hard, hard choice.
Risk oblivion, losing by lots and the death, serious injury or otherwise splattering of his players? Or concede, with no shame and no players lost, to conserve his strength for a less bashy opponent?
Coach Meetgrinder hadn't considered that an option, but in a division such as this, being several players down against a full strength team in your next game is asking for trouble!
So the match was conceded. Good luck to the Gobbos in their next game, and the Kritturz march on with their first win. Take a look at those luck scores though... would the luck have turned round in the second half, or would the Gobbs have survived?
We'll never know...
From 'the fields of Armageddon-Outta-Here stadium' this is Bert Bruzinnpuncha, saying goodnight, and may all your GFI come true! ”
You read the match report right - no injuries to carry over to the next game. With the Dwarves seemingly uninterested in blocking (most 3 dice blocks were ALL PUSHBACKS!) and struggling to make headway, the 'Blinz made good early progress, but it came to a grinding halt with the failure of several key moves. Even the Trolls had been 'really not stupid at all', but when the star player, fungus the loon, took a tumble and died, things started to go down hill for Poke 'em.
With every block that came thereafter, their numbers thinned, but the Apothecary managed to revive a particularly squashed looking gobbo. With the Apo away to the bar, the end of the 1st and all the 2nd without an Apo seemed rather daunting...
The Hobgoblin Cruzin Forrabruzinn managed to fumble and scrabble his way to the end zone after discovering the ball was in fact a bar of soap, and at the setup, coach Sgt Colon faced a hard, hard choice.
Risk oblivion, losing by lots and the death, serious injury or otherwise splattering of his players? Or concede, with no shame and no players lost, to conserve his strength for a less bashy opponent?
Coach Meetgrinder hadn't considered that an option, but in a division such as this, being several players down against a full strength team in your next game is asking for trouble!
So the match was conceded. Good luck to the Gobbos in their next game, and the Kritturz march on with their first win. Take a look at those luck scores though... would the luck have turned round in the second half, or would the Gobbs have survived?
We'll never know...
From 'the fields of Armageddon-Outta-Here stadium' this is Bert Bruzinnpuncha, saying goodnight, and may all your GFI come true!