CTV 2260k Chaos
Orc CTV 2260k
#12 Fusilis – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#12 Fusilis – Smashed Knee (NI)
#2 A revivir tocan – Dead (RIP)
#4 Remuerto – Dead (RIP)
#5 Azkerozo – Dead (RIP)
#11 Zingüezoz – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#11 Zingüezoz – Smashed Knee (NI)
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The majority of the match saw the luck at ~48% to 70% as I systematically failed to do anything decent with the ball, consistently rolling 1s and snake-eyes and generally flailing miserably. He managed to score the first after a -2FA throw/catch. The second was set up when Caedo fell on a rerolled gfi. Then in the second half I managed to spring his offense and get back a touchdown. It took a few turns longer than it should have (another snake-eyes on a gfi for the score, badly hurting the player) which meant I only had a single shot at scoring the equaliser. After getting the ball off of the offense, all that was needed was a pick up and throw by Onuseris and 2 gifs with Buccula (2+,3+,3+,2+,2+) without rerolls. First roll was a 1.
The killing didn't start until late in the second half and it got real brutal real quick. Whilst I'd kept back my apothecary and managed to save Iumentum's life, Calvofai had used his apothecary in turn 1 of the game and could do nothing but watch in horror as 4 of his team fell under the hooves of this rather pissed off chaos team.”