“"The midget danced
so fine tonight
running around
trying to mingle in the fight.
I had a laugh
as I knocked him down
proving that every midget
is at heart a clown.
He tried so hard
it was almost funny
as the puny little dwarf
started running like a bunny.
At the end of the game
the midget danced no more
as his adorable little head
now felt oh so sore.
All while the Joker
ran up the score."
I started out panicking as I realised I had just clicked "Yes" to wether I wanted to use my apoth on a niggler - something I of course did not want.
This made me worry somewhat - but as Nuffle would have it it soon proved that I had no need to be concerned.
The elves knocked the dwarves down where they stood while they themselves refused to go down most of the time - only suffering 1 Bh and 2 KOs (one caused by a WE who tripped on a GFI as she tried to crowdpush a blitzer - which was soon followed up by some snake eyes by the dwarves that meant the blitzer had to go surfing anyway).
As we noted in the match it was simply not Rijssiej's game today - he kept a positive spirit through out non the less.
Thanks for the game, man. And good luck in the future. I'll be coming for a re-match ;)”
so fine tonight
running around
trying to mingle in the fight.
I had a laugh
as I knocked him down
proving that every midget
is at heart a clown.
He tried so hard
it was almost funny
as the puny little dwarf
started running like a bunny.
At the end of the game
the midget danced no more
as his adorable little head
now felt oh so sore.
All while the Joker
ran up the score."
I started out panicking as I realised I had just clicked "Yes" to wether I wanted to use my apoth on a niggler - something I of course did not want.
This made me worry somewhat - but as Nuffle would have it it soon proved that I had no need to be concerned.
The elves knocked the dwarves down where they stood while they themselves refused to go down most of the time - only suffering 1 Bh and 2 KOs (one caused by a WE who tripped on a GFI as she tried to crowdpush a blitzer - which was soon followed up by some snake eyes by the dwarves that meant the blitzer had to go surfing anyway).
As we noted in the match it was simply not Rijssiej's game today - he kept a positive spirit through out non the less.
Thanks for the game, man. And good luck in the future. I'll be coming for a re-match ;)”