Rumours that George Graham had been hired as a temporary consultant proved to be unfounded.
Though the Drunk had the best of the luck, it was not as one sided as it may have seemed in the heat of the battle.
This was real AV9 football. It was always going to be difficult to get players off the pitch. Only four went in total and all but one of those was a crowd push.
Soopah snagged the only completion of the game to rumble in for a TD after some blatent time wasting when no one gave chase.
The Drunk targeted the two dwarf AG3 players in the second half, removing them with crowd pushes and with them went any chance that the dwarves may actually throw the ball.
The Orcs finally managed to stop the dwarf cage bundling their runner out of bounds. With only AG2 players on the field and running out of rerolls the dwarves' chances of reclaiming the ball were slim.
But for a fumbled pass The Drunk may have been able to go in for a second.
This always looked as if it was going to be 1-0 or overtime and so it turned out.
A tough win over a tough opponent who bested us last time out.
“I'm not really sure where to start with this. The game was dull, 1 sided pow with every block garbage from the Orcs, and the best I scored was one KO from a pushout, the AV15 of the Orcs being too tough to crack. Every 1db the orcs tried came off, virtually every other block ended in a knockdown, so I spent the whole game pretty much with 1 MA on all my players.
When the dice are so stacked like this it makes the game unenjoyable, puts me in a shitty mood and makes me think I've wasted an hour and 20 minutes of my life. I might as well have conceded in turn 1 for all the good this game did my team, and at least I wouldn't have had to sit through this rubbish. I have this problem with Dwarven teams - they are good at blocking and not much else. When the opponent ignores what blocks you manage to throw because the dice are 1 sided, it pretty much cuts your options down to zilch.
Heh, ignore the luck counter, just watch the replay. In fact, don't watch the replay, it was a dull game.”
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Rumours that George Graham had been hired as a temporary consultant proved to be unfounded.
Though the Drunk had the best of the luck, it was not as one sided as it may have seemed in the heat of the battle.
This was real AV9 football. It was always going to be difficult to get players off the pitch. Only four went in total and all but one of those was a crowd push.
Soopah snagged the only completion of the game to rumble in for a TD after some blatent time wasting when no one gave chase.
The Drunk targeted the two dwarf AG3 players in the second half, removing them with crowd pushes and with them went any chance that the dwarves may actually throw the ball.
The Orcs finally managed to stop the dwarf cage bundling their runner out of bounds. With only AG2 players on the field and running out of rerolls the dwarves' chances of reclaiming the ball were slim.
But for a fumbled pass The Drunk may have been able to go in for a second.
This always looked as if it was going to be 1-0 or overtime and so it turned out.
A tough win over a tough opponent who bested us last time out.