“1st half was ok. That's where I caused my two CAS and KO'd three people. I could have played my defense a bit better. You know what they say about hindsight. That is going to come up again later. I managed to score by Turn 7 of the 1st half. Hindsight tells me I should have delayed a turn because a. less opportunity for his 3 KO's to come back. b. he killed Pigman during his one last "beat you up" turn of the 1st half.
2nd half was a lot worse. This is where my luck % went downhill and his luck shot through the roof (in my humble opinion). I receive and start slowly working the ball down-pitch in a "Purina" formation. One BH and an early KO left me undermanned. The erosion on the formation took it's toll. The Turn I failed to progress really hurt me. It left him in perfect position to throw multiple blocks and bust me open. One blitz later, the ball is on the pitch. Little to no choice left, I go with probability (actions most likely to succeed) and attempt to dodge away. RR burnage would determine what I did next... if I got that far. Which I didn't. Double 2's put me on the pitch. He sends in one of his AG 4 to pick it up but fails. It bounces into Sayer of the Law's hands. 2nd chance at redemption. Sayer blitzes free, dodges out and progresses on. He goes for it and I have to RR that 1. Stop there, setup a screen. Here's where Bill's luck should have hit near 100%. His AG 4 dodges through and out of multiple TZs, blitzes Sayer straight up, POWpush, breaks armor and kills Sayer. My apoth saved him though. He puts a TZ on the ball. On my next turn, any chance of ball recovery is thwarted by a double skull roll. His two AG 4 guys play catch and now he's next to my EZ. I can't even get a player next to him. TD attempt was thwarted and now I can't even get a draw. He scores on his Turn 8. ugh.
I get a measly 20k, doubling my treasury. Now I play my next game with 10 players. At least my last two CWs get skills. Edward manages to get doubles (a first for this Chaos team). After much deliberation... spikes.
What will it take to pull out of this downward spiral my team has fallen into?”
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2nd half was a lot worse. This is where my luck % went downhill and his luck shot through the roof (in my humble opinion). I receive and start slowly working the ball down-pitch in a "Purina" formation. One BH and an early KO left me undermanned. The erosion on the formation took it's toll. The Turn I failed to progress really hurt me. It left him in perfect position to throw multiple blocks and bust me open. One blitz later, the ball is on the pitch. Little to no choice left, I go with probability (actions most likely to succeed) and attempt to dodge away. RR burnage would determine what I did next... if I got that far. Which I didn't. Double 2's put me on the pitch. He sends in one of his AG 4 to pick it up but fails. It bounces into Sayer of the Law's hands. 2nd chance at redemption. Sayer blitzes free, dodges out and progresses on. He goes for it and I have to RR that 1. Stop there, setup a screen. Here's where Bill's luck should have hit near 100%. His AG 4 dodges through and out of multiple TZs, blitzes Sayer straight up, POWpush, breaks armor and kills Sayer. My apoth saved him though. He puts a TZ on the ball. On my next turn, any chance of ball recovery is thwarted by a double skull roll. His two AG 4 guys play catch and now he's next to my EZ. I can't even get a player next to him. TD attempt was thwarted and now I can't even get a draw. He scores on his Turn 8. ugh.
I get a measly 20k, doubling my treasury. Now I play my next game with 10 players. At least my last two CWs get skills. Edward manages to get doubles (a first for this Chaos team). After much deliberation... spikes.
What will it take to pull out of this downward spiral my team has fallen into?”