“Very interesting game. The game begain 10 vs. 13.
1st Half
- Luck wasn't with me. The first two times I tried to go for it, I rolled 1s
- Phulepen (a very good friend of mine) sang "As The Saint's Come Marching In" over the phone as Nober and friends walked the only Itsville TD in. This would be the first and last song he graces me with. ; >
- I manage to squeak in a TD on Turn 8 after many RRs and a little luck.
- My luck was floating between 44% and 50% during this half
- Boarman did manage to get in the game this time around. One CAS, right off the bat. A Guard player no less.
- My Turn 8, I "Get the Ref" but choose not to open the floodgate. Wise choice, knowing my opponent...
2nd Half
- Lady Luck showed us how fickle she is. She switched sides during this half.
- I received and promptly scored again. This is where my luck starts to improve.
- During this drive, I proceed to begin removing his other useful players from the pitch. First, his remaining Guard players. Then Mr. Dauntless.
- When I kickoff to Phulepen, I get to reorganize my team. Very useful as I make careful placement of my Guard players and TZs. His only choice (besides throwing 2dice, I choose) was to dodge away and regroup.
- That's when my dice got hot. He was out of RRs and I proceeded to stack TZs on his remaining players. What started out as 10 vs. 13 became 10 vs. 7 or so.
- I eventually pressed my advantage to his ball handler near his EZ. Got the ball out of his hands and it bounced into Montgomery's
- Lady Luck Left Las Vegas when Montgomery tried to "Go For It" into the EZ and failed on my Turn 8, RRs gone. : (
The game ended with 10 vs. 8 on the pitch. Boarman was a stand-up Minotaur this game. He only failed his wild animal roll once even though he spent a lot of time moving around. Hyena-Swine is the unofficial MVP of this game. THE BeastMAN! I guess he was shooting for a hat trick. Aissa gets her 4th MVP.
It was a great game in my opinion. Phulepen really had me sweating a draw in the final turns of the 2nd half. I had the Domination on the ropes, but with 4 + 5 AG, almost anything is possible. I didn't cut him any slack.
Both coaches observed a short moment of silence for the passing of Swanny Smith.
. . .”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
1st Half
- Luck wasn't with me. The first two times I tried to go for it, I rolled 1s
- Phulepen (a very good friend of mine) sang "As The Saint's Come Marching In" over the phone as Nober and friends walked the only Itsville TD in. This would be the first and last song he graces me with. ; >
- I manage to squeak in a TD on Turn 8 after many RRs and a little luck.
- My luck was floating between 44% and 50% during this half
- Boarman did manage to get in the game this time around. One CAS, right off the bat. A Guard player no less.
- My Turn 8, I "Get the Ref" but choose not to open the floodgate. Wise choice, knowing my opponent...
2nd Half
- Lady Luck showed us how fickle she is. She switched sides during this half.
- I received and promptly scored again. This is where my luck starts to improve.
- During this drive, I proceed to begin removing his other useful players from the pitch. First, his remaining Guard players. Then Mr. Dauntless.
- When I kickoff to Phulepen, I get to reorganize my team. Very useful as I make careful placement of my Guard players and TZs. His only choice (besides throwing 2dice, I choose) was to dodge away and regroup.
- That's when my dice got hot. He was out of RRs and I proceeded to stack TZs on his remaining players. What started out as 10 vs. 13 became 10 vs. 7 or so.
- I eventually pressed my advantage to his ball handler near his EZ. Got the ball out of his hands and it bounced into Montgomery's
- Lady Luck Left Las Vegas when Montgomery tried to "Go For It" into the EZ and failed on my Turn 8, RRs gone. : (
The game ended with 10 vs. 8 on the pitch. Boarman was a stand-up Minotaur this game. He only failed his wild animal roll once even though he spent a lot of time moving around. Hyena-Swine is the unofficial MVP of this game. THE BeastMAN! I guess he was shooting for a hat trick. Aissa gets her 4th MVP.
It was a great game in my opinion. Phulepen really had me sweating a draw in the final turns of the 2nd half. I had the Domination on the ropes, but with 4 + 5 AG, almost anything is possible. I didn't cut him any slack.
Both coaches observed a short moment of silence for the passing of Swanny Smith.
. . .”