#8 Samurai Steve – Dead (RIP) #16 Capt. Shady – Smashed Knee (NI)
“Phrost received the opening kick-off and quick ran down field, protected by a great set of lineman. During this run, Wing Chun Lawyer chuck an orc into the stands and the Bullshidoka fans hurt him pretty badly. All of his receivers were open but Phrost opted to dump it off to Samurai Steve. Samurai Steve then ran it in for Bullshidokas first touchdown ever. The opposing coach yelled, "I will make Steve pay for that!" The next exchange started out unfortunate for the Bullshidoka, Capt. Shady made his first appearance on a Bloodbowl pitch and during his first turn, got a back injury. He must miss the next game and has permanent niggling effects. This exchange ended with big Anthony rumbling in for a defensive TD. In the third exchange, Bullshidoka scored another defensive TD, this time by Crimson Tiger. Unfortunately, the opposing coach stuck to his promise, and Samurai Steve was declared dead right as the game was ending. He scored our first TD and will always be remembered. R.I.P. Ronin Steve...you serve no master now.”