“This game was lost before it started... I didnt have a chance against his roster.
People should have been screened on entrance... with his 3 walk over victories giming him a team thats rather insane... and me playing people that like to foul in T8 of the 2nd... it wasnt going to be close.
Mabey I should be happy my dice were so shit in a game that was lost from the start... but it made it futile.
T1 Recieving... Skulls, RR, Skulls on the 3rd block
T2 Dodge, Dodge skill, Fail the 2+ still.... FIRST action
He could have scored with 3 * 2+ rolls in T3, but does something else. He still scores in T4 anyway.
I score in 2 turns... but not before he BH's my Catcher and KO's a LineElf in his 1 turn of defense.
On Offence he ran everyone deep then tried a pass which he dropped, meaning I could run down with 2 Dancers and an Elf to get the ball. I managed that... but he Pow'ed both Dancers and got the ball anyway. He later dropped in about 5 squares into his own half after a fumble on the pass.
No worries tho... I fail my first action... a 2+ Dodge.
He drops the Catch next turn, but I Skull on the Blitz.
So he scores in T8
He runs players deep and he covers the Ball better this time, but I fail my GFI to get the Dancer deep anyway.
He makes the pass and can score, but decides to try beat me up... his ST4 Elf knocking himself over against the Dancer.
I do the best I can with the players I have left... StipBalling, Pick up, Pass, Drop the Catch... it was a rather impressive turn, but even if it all came off the ball wasnt ever going to be safe, just upfield slightly.
He scores of a series of 2+ rolls for a pick up, run, pass, hand off thing.
On offence, my Dancer fails his 2+ dodge, dodge ofcourse proving really useful.
My Thrower fumbles his pass to get it somewhere in the other half.
He drops his handoff to score that turn, simply meaning i have a chance to fail the dodge the GFI getting to the ball. He score again
First up... Natural Dbl Skulls.
He runs down and Collects the Ball with his Dancers. I blitz to StripBall but roll a 1 on the very next dice anyway.
He scores in T8
Rather pathetic... The fact he always stunned my deep defender when he blitzed him... or my most advanced players when I needed them for a TD threat was kinda annoying.”
People should have been screened on entrance... with his 3 walk over victories giming him a team thats rather insane... and me playing people that like to foul in T8 of the 2nd... it wasnt going to be close.
Mabey I should be happy my dice were so shit in a game that was lost from the start... but it made it futile.
T1 Recieving... Skulls, RR, Skulls on the 3rd block
T2 Dodge, Dodge skill, Fail the 2+ still.... FIRST action
He could have scored with 3 * 2+ rolls in T3, but does something else. He still scores in T4 anyway.
I score in 2 turns... but not before he BH's my Catcher and KO's a LineElf in his 1 turn of defense.
On Offence he ran everyone deep then tried a pass which he dropped, meaning I could run down with 2 Dancers and an Elf to get the ball. I managed that... but he Pow'ed both Dancers and got the ball anyway. He later dropped in about 5 squares into his own half after a fumble on the pass.
No worries tho... I fail my first action... a 2+ Dodge.
He drops the Catch next turn, but I Skull on the Blitz.
So he scores in T8
He runs players deep and he covers the Ball better this time, but I fail my GFI to get the Dancer deep anyway.
He makes the pass and can score, but decides to try beat me up... his ST4 Elf knocking himself over against the Dancer.
I do the best I can with the players I have left... StipBalling, Pick up, Pass, Drop the Catch... it was a rather impressive turn, but even if it all came off the ball wasnt ever going to be safe, just upfield slightly.
He scores of a series of 2+ rolls for a pick up, run, pass, hand off thing.
On offence, my Dancer fails his 2+ dodge, dodge ofcourse proving really useful.
My Thrower fumbles his pass to get it somewhere in the other half.
He drops his handoff to score that turn, simply meaning i have a chance to fail the dodge the GFI getting to the ball. He score again
First up... Natural Dbl Skulls.
He runs down and Collects the Ball with his Dancers. I blitz to StripBall but roll a 1 on the very next dice anyway.
He scores in T8
Rather pathetic... The fact he always stunned my deep defender when he blitzed him... or my most advanced players when I needed them for a TD threat was kinda annoying.”