“This game wasn't so bad. I was lucky to pull out a tie.
1st Half
- He fouls Boarman and gets ejected. Sweet. There's one of his 2 nasty guys. (Claw guy is #2)
- We both KO each others Big Guys.
- I take my dear sweet time working my way to the EZ only to make a small mistake. I get blitzed and pushed away. I fail on my "Go For It" on Turn 8. My fault.
2nd Half
- He makes a quick TD.
- I proceed to put the hurtin on him.
- Turn 8 TD gets me the tie.
His defense was good but two CASs were from his dodging. Tackle worked. Aissa shined. Boarman did great, SI'ing his Rat Ogre in the 4th Quarter. I only rolled Double Skulls twice.
My opponent made good use of his skilled players. Claw guy was always a hassle. I think he used his RRs too soon though.
1st Half
- He fouls Boarman and gets ejected. Sweet. There's one of his 2 nasty guys. (Claw guy is #2)
- We both KO each others Big Guys.
- I take my dear sweet time working my way to the EZ only to make a small mistake. I get blitzed and pushed away. I fail on my "Go For It" on Turn 8. My fault.
2nd Half
- He makes a quick TD.
- I proceed to put the hurtin on him.
- Turn 8 TD gets me the tie.
His defense was good but two CASs were from his dodging. Tackle worked. Aissa shined. Boarman did great, SI'ing his Rat Ogre in the 4th Quarter. I only rolled Double Skulls twice.
My opponent made good use of his skilled players. Claw guy was always a hassle. I think he used his RRs too soon though.
Good game.”