#9 Blowgun III – Broken Ribs (MNG) #9 Blowgun III – Smashed Knee (NI)
“One rat MNG...one rat niggled out...one rat stopped from playing by "Greatest" handicap...one rat kept from playing til turn 2.16 by "Morley's" handicap...thrower niggled in turn 1.2...DP MNG'd turn 1.4...RO ko'd turn 1.6, never to return...
Not much you can do with that few rats and a human who never drops the ball for a gutter to scoop up and run...
Ok, I figured this for an easy win, and was smacked around a tad by a large Nuffle for my arrogance. We want some revenge now, though...bloody claw/rsc rat didn't even get a single stun despite 8-9 knockdowns of av7...”
Not much you can do with that few rats and a human who never drops the ball for a gutter to scoop up and run...
Ok, I figured this for an easy win, and was smacked around a tad by a large Nuffle for my arrogance. We want some revenge now, though...bloody claw/rsc rat didn't even get a single stun despite 8-9 knockdowns of av7...”