“I'm a bad friend that's all I can say. This was a "friendly" match with two young teams. By the start of my third turn, Shinespike got killed by Claude Morgan and I had to play a man down. However, he'd soon return to the pitch as he was raised from the dead and made into a zombie. Second game in a row that happened to me against a Necromantic team. I couldn't stop his fast ghoul, Anthony Tempalsky and I really didn't move the ball very far into his side of the field at all this game. My big guy beast, Stink, got SI and I lucked out that it was -1 agility and I could ignore that since he already has a 1 agility. I SI two of his guys and they both regen'd it. Near the end of the game, I SI his agility 4 ghoul on a blitz and Vulgar, who didn't do anything for me the whole game fouled his werewolf, Henry Hull. I didn't expect him to die so now I feel bad. Game ended with a bad taste in everyone's mouth.”