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Last seen 12 years ago
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[R] Legion of the Northduckster491590k33-161500kLord_SothSword and Feather
[R] Legion of the Forsakenduckster491330k23-001220kmartinsSouthland Scatterers
[R] Legion of the Forsakenduckster491250k21-201090kMagrardyDark Hounds
[R] Legion of the Nightduckster491530k20-131590kKnightfallRotting Runners
[R] Legion of the Forsakenduckster491200k33-001000kSenecanAsuraColdBloodedKillers
[R] Legion of the Nightduckster491460k32-031170kOddBlokeYetis
[R] Legion of the Nightduckster491430k10-161370kMalerunDSS
[R] Legion of the Nightduckster491370k03-121300kSteffanLizzy's
[R] Legion of the Forsakenduckster491130k31-201090kSokratezSoul Guardians
[R] Legion of the Forsakenduckster49980k52-001000kmongoapeSugminrockenroll
[R] Legion of the Jungleduckster491600k22-051360kbelstharDesert Winds
[R] Legion of the Forsakenduckster491000k32-301080kankkhAnaisli Astendari
[R] Legion of the Nightduckster491510k20-251300kramelaMasters of the Mortuary
[R] Legion of the Nightduckster491420k32-201520kKrytenEleventeen
[R] Legion of the Nightduckster491350k03-221430krudeddRiglum's Rokkitz
[R] Legion of the Nightduckster491230k13-111190kwalkertullarisWunderbaum Woonderers
[R] Legion of the Nightduckster491110k13-301000kCoach-ZJungle Pythons
[R] Legion of the Nightduckster491000k33-001000kCraziecoryKrazz Killers
[R] Legion of the Eldersduckster491000k00-321000kgansusZoning
[R] Legion of the Jungleduckster491540k32-221400kHabeliSlaves of Power
[R] Legion of the Northduckster491500k21-221570kCarl_StoneyardDeep Bull
[R] Legion of the Jungleduckster491440k62-111230kNaughtStealth Lords
[R] Legion of the Jungleduckster491320k22-101000kTiskB W
[R] Legion of the Northduckster491500k50-101590kPimVilda Honor
[R] Legion of the Jungleduckster491250k23-011110kWebbeKnights of square tables
[R] Legion of the Northduckster491440k32-021440kGreenAvengerFuturama-Rama
[R] Legion of the Northduckster491370k32-001410kMrMojoGötterDämmerung
[R] Legion of the Northduckster491290k13-001340kNathanielLorien Longbows
[R] Legion of the Jungleduckster491210k23-211000kHuanglooLos Habitantes del Mesozoico
[R] Legion of the Jungleduckster491000k02011150kWebbeCirque de Vitesse