Mighty Blow
Block (30k)
Break Tackle (30k)
Dodge (30k)
Guard (30k)
Multiple Block (30k)
Strip Ball (30k)
Tackle (30k)
Confirmed kills: Igor the Orderly (Vampire, Drakenhöff Dental School)
Maske (Dark Elf Lineman, Pantheon Projekt)
Cristo Redentor (Chaos Beastman, Mas Maravillas)
Christina Scabia 3 (Skink, Crazy Crackers)
Goother Bingspong (Skaven lineman, 'Greece Turkeys')
Krogh (Beastman, ERI)
Darion Altstone (Elf Lineman, Hades Harem)
Lui (Skaven Lineman, Not my Tail Ref!) killed him twice.
el gran gugu III (Troll, Kansos)
Players Maimed: Raymond Blanc (Orc Lineman, Perfect Orc Recipe) Broken Leg
Toppled Rameses off the list of all time greatest undead players, had a corker of a match before his second niggle when he became legendary, almost achieving a larson.
No 3 Greatest Undead Player of all time
No 2 most dangerous Undead Player of all time
N0. 11 most blocks of all time
Fouled to death by orcs in a match i knew i should not have accepted. He will be missed.