6th of january 2013:
#15 top active player on a fling team
#10 top active fling
21st of January 2013:
#15 top active player on a fling team
#3 top active fling
23rd of February 2013:
#2 top active fling
#10 top active player on a fling team
16th of March:
#2 top active fling
#8 top active player on a fling team
25th of March:
As some great halflings had fallen on the pitch, Oakhut was able to claim
#1 active fling
11th of April 2013:
Beaten of his pedestal by ths "freak-of-a-fling":
7th of May 2013:
Still have to settle for runner up.
May 16th 2013: Fouled to death by another fling in the GLT IX. Should have won the game, but failed another landing roll with rr, and was fouled to death the following turn... pretty harsh. But funny.