Plague Town Pustules
TV 1180+600k Nurgle
Lars Sars(2SPP AND ended up with Plague Town Pustules' +5 SPP MVP for the match!!! Ouch.)
A Nurgle Rotter that was seemingly running around making fun of the Mummies until her demise.
"The Bride" ended up having enough and upon T1 of the 2nd Half with her team receiving, set about teaching it a lesson...in UNDEATH.
Piling upon the hapless form of the Decaying thing it closed its eyes with a single tear, though admittedly they were falling out from Nurgle's Rot and very pus-y, anyway!
Undead Coach, Majyk, liked the foul mouth on the thing and paid his on-call Necromancer to make it a permanent fixture on his team.
Especially since newly Zombified and MVP winner, Brynjolf, was Niggled into submission this same game.
It seems Niggle injuries love finding their way upon MVP Zombies on this team!
3+ Zombies(usually from other teams, too!) have been given their walking papers for the taskmaster Coach will not have truly falling apart members on his team!
Former Team Roster:
Former Player Stats before Undeath: