Mighty Blow
Block (30k)
Break Tackle (20k)
Dodge (30k)
Guard (20k)
Juggernaut (20k)
Multiple Block (20k)
At the time of his retirement he was the 7th greatest undeqad ranked player of all time.
Ogre and Snow Troll slayer
Confirmed kills: Pero Selfijont porque paras mi granada? (star Ogre, Momentos Miticos)
Illuminati, Dark Avenger Avatar (veteran Snow Troll, Hellbound Charioteers)
Screwed (rookie Skaven lineman, Skaven Skumbags).
Duane (rookie goblin, WarpstoneWannabes)
Skaz (rookie skaven lineman, Skavern City Sewer Rats)
Lonic Stonespinner (rookie woodelf lineman, Rooots)
Mata Ocells Vi (rookie human thrower)Cromanyistes
Spike (rookie beastman, Khornate Roosters)
Injuries caused: Timer (veteran high elf lineman, Sowing Season)damaged back, retired.
Practicum (emerging woodelf thrower,derecho)damaged back
Trey Fasteagle (Loner Woodelf libeman, Dantes Trees) smashed ankle
Barry Jr (rookie marauder, three idiots) Smashed Hip