George is a giant. No I don't mean big, I mean an actual giant. He was born in the village of Urf found in the 'World Edge Mountains' to the east of the lands controlled by the Empire. Whilst still a boy something wasn't right with George. As teenagers George's brothers and sisters grew to be over 10ft. George stopped at 8Ft5In. He was seen as tiny by his tribe and cast out as a young boy, being nicknamed 'Little George'.
A couple of years later he was found fighting, for scraps of food, in the pits of Lybaras by
Captain Sharktooth. He was quickly recruited to the crew and has since made his size useful not only in plundering but on the Blood Bowl pitch by causing the
first kill for The Pirates of Bogwash.
Little George (the giant) was the team's star troll and possibly the teams most famous player of all time. At the time of his retirement he was the penultimate surviving member of the original team. He is most famously known for causing the teams
first kill and also killing 2 players in
one match!
He retired after the team 54th match after playing 51 of them. At his retirement he was all time blocker (303), casualties (25) and SPP (60).
He was injured by
Haka from the team
Under-Wraps during
this match where even the God's cried tears for the entire game knowing it would be George's last. George is still part of the crew and can be found in the ship's Galley preparing meals which he brings to every one of the teams matches, proudly selling 'George's Goulash' from the stands.