Vladyslav is 4th season Kossar, wrestle bowl original.
Is demonstrating mean streak with hurt put on other teams, and courage with pressure put on players for tackling. Koval family guests of many social functions now, hoping Vladyslav can survive dangerous job for long time.
Claims brilliant grace does Vladyslav, yet refuse consciousness for playing, despite vigorous shaking. Must have care, or will be put on line to get wake up call from fearful imperial boots.
Still complains, does Valdyslav: slippery ball, slippery pitch, always fumbling, but much is asked and does score victory in final, so will keep.
Last season is many awards, great player, yet leaves pitch at critical moments in final with again being unresponsive to shaking. Is habit, scouts not impressed, no doubt. Best scorer, but not score when matter.
Season 6, 7 TDs, league high.