This girl comes from the village of Legaby in Ransard (in the swedish fantasy world Ereb Altor) where coach Anganatyr found her. This is a mixed village with humans, dwarfs, halflings and so on. Teginia was earlier in her life kidnapt by orcs from the orc clan
The Red Moon where she was kept as a slave. Two heros called Legos and Gabbe rescued her and took the wood elf to the village of Legaby where coach Anganatyr found her and now she´s playing for Blekinge Bulls.
Teginia played in FUMBBL CUP XVI, Crown Of Sand IX: Qualifier VII and BAR Brawl X - Hi, FUMBBL CUP XVII.
During a match against the Goblin team
Der Green Tide Teginia killed
Nr. 1 Kroppa Badpikk (goblin) in turn 5, 1st half.
During a game against the Wood Elf team
Mighty Smurfs Teginia killed
Nr. 10 Farmer (lineman) in turn 4, 2nd half. Farmer was a Superstar with 109 SPP and following skills: +AG, Leap, Sure Hands, +ST, Guard.
Teginia has played against the famous teams
Verminton Tailgunners (Skaven),
Left My Heart In San Francisco (Halfling),
Elfheim Eagles (High Elf) and she has played against the coach sann0638 (NAF president) and his team
WBLOS Wonders (elven union).