12 coaches online • Server time: 06:00
Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Pulled off a nice pass to get the first score in the teams first game against the High Elves. This put pressure on the Elves and lead to a 2-0 win.
In one game against the filthy Nurgle he killed a rotter, BH a beast and kept him from returning to the game and lastly BH a bloater who did however regenerate but barely in time to play again. This helped clear a safe run for a 1-0 win.
Killed a Troll and who the apothecary tried to save with limited results but it may have helped the Troll regenerate. He then scored a brilliant winning touch down very late in the game after a touch-back. Has proved strong in taking out his opponents.
He left a human renegade with a niggling injury.
Left a High Elf lino with his second niggle and probably sent him on his way to the glue factory. He also scored the only touchdown after a tight a mistake from the beasts.
Got smashed by a Mummy first blitz of a game and the apothecary could only make things worse, much worse. He was left with a cracking head ache and smashed up body.
Even after his good start when he was left with a permanent injury he was not reliable enough for the line of scrimmage and Chaos being Chaos any weakness meant he was replaced.