55 coaches online • Server time: 19:09
"Gordo starts a Block Action.
Gordo blocks Checheche KeKeKeKe:
Block Roll [ BOTH DOWN ] [ SKULL ]
Block Result [ BOTH DOWN ]
Armour Roll [ 2 ][ 5 ]
Rolled Total of 7
Checheche KeKeKeKe has been saved by his armour.
Armour Roll [ 4 ][ 6 ]
Rolled Total of 10
The armour of Gordo has been broken.
Injury Roll [ 5 ][ 5 ]
Rolled Total of 10
Gordo suffers a casualty.
Casualty Roll [ 6 ][ 8 ]
Gordo has been killed.
Regeneration Roll [ 3 ]
Gordo does not regenerate."
Starting 1st half
Spectator KKKK joins the game.
(some time later)
Pugžlys starts a Foul Action.
Pugžlys fouls Checheche KeKeKeKe:
Armour Roll [ 3 ][ 3 ]
Rolled Total of 6 + 1 Dirty Player = 7
Checheche KeKeKeKe has been saved by his armour.
The referee spots the foul and bans Pugžlys from the game."