16 coaches online • Server time: 03:53
Diving Tackle
Pass Block
Coming from a famous Sore Orc Tavern fmaily, Tomriy had longed to play BB like his siblings and jumped at the chance when the Phoenix were formed. He has been less enamoured with the game since finding himself a regualr on the LOS, desperate to prove to his coaches that he has other skills Tomriy has been practising harder than any other SOT player in history. he has now taken to leaving the Tavern at 1 in the afternoon and training until nearly SIX O CLOCK. Such a lack of dedication to 'team building' has made him an unpopular figure amongst his team mates.
In his 31st game Tomriy reached star status at the same time as the Hardunner brothers, unfortunatley the celebrations left him lame in one side of his body, but Tomriy will play on....
****** Since his injuy Tomriy has become a firm crowd favourite, his lameness has made him a permanent fixture on the Phoenix LOS and the crowd cannot get enough of his spectacular ability to be hit repeatedley and stagger to his feet to receive the next hit*****************