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<b><center><a href="http://www.tasigh.org/kordite/events-1997.html
"><span >Tales of Klindom</span></a>
Being the collected adventures of Kordite in Klingon Fandom
<B>Milk Mustache Contest</B><IMG SRC="http://www.tasigh.org/kordite/pics/milk.gif" WIDTH=165 HEIGHT=171 ALT="Got Milk?" ALIGN=RIGHT>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Locally (and probably in cooperation with a national ad campaign), Giant Eagle (grocery store) and the Steelers (pro football team) are sponsoring a "milk mustache" photo contest. You may have seen the billboards featuring famous people with milk on their upper lips extolling the virtues of Milk, the udder cola. Well, I've sent in my own picture. I wonder if I'll end up on a billboard somewhere. <I>nIm yItlhutlh!.</I></BLOCKQUOTE>
<TD><B>Milk Mustache Update</B>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Of the gazillion prizes given out I got absolutely nothing. I can't imagine that so many people had pictures cooler than mine. I suspect that the contest lawyers were concerned about using a trademarked species in an advertisement campaign of any scale without the blessing of Paramount. Oh well.</BLOCKQUOTE></TD>