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Mighty Blow
<table border="2" BORDERCOLOR="Firebrick"><td bgcolor="black"><FONT COLOR="Firebrick"><p align="center">In his 40th game against Rotting Britain he caused 2 casualties, raising him to the status of super-star. Unfortunately this caused a niggling injury but as the longest standing player for the Harrowers and the team captain, he was granted leniency by the temple of Khaine in honor of his bloody work.
However, this decree lasts only as long as he continues the blood bath he inspires on the pitch, driving the Harrowers fans into ever heightening ecstasy.
Moved to #3 top active dark elf lineman blocker and #7 all time, after causing 2 casulties in his 50th game against fellow dark elves Savannah Grievence. He was seen after the game giving the remaining Savannah linemen pointers, most of these lineman were fit for the next game. Theres still a fair way to go to get into the top dark elf blocker listings, but it should be a interesting and bloody path.
Killed by the Saurus Razor Horn for First Spawn of Sotek in a blood fest, the 3rd of the 4 who held the Harrowers together during the "hard times" finally falls. At time of death he ranked as 4th all time dark elf lineman blocker in the Ranked division.</font></td></table>