The mutant Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, otherwise known as Magneto, is gifted with the innate power of magnetokinesis. Through his careful manipulation of the electromagnetic spectrum, it is often clear that he possesses a good deal more AGILITY than the average human, or even the average supervillain!
Likely due to the strong magnetic fields that follow him, opponents often find themselves thrown off-balance when in his vicinity. This allows him to serve as a superior GUARD for his fellow villains.
An assault from Magneto is often difficult to work around. Players often wear metallic armor, weapons, helmets, buttons, zippers, or any number of accessories that they later find used to TACKLE them.
8/23/06: MAGNETO, already the most powerful among an up-and-coming faction of supervillains, makes a spectacular play late in the 2nd half against a hapless division of Chaos Dwarves. Just when a proud, stout Bull Centaur is sprinting through the Supervillains' empty backfield with the ball, MAGNETO emerges from behind, dropping a section of the stadium's bleachers on top of him (Double POWs!) and taking the ball in one motion. The Centaur recovered and came charging back, only to meet a concussive shield and another section of bleachers (with horrified fans atop [Double SKULLS!]) as it came crashing down. Easily outdistancing the field of Dwarves, MAGNETO blazes across the field and propels the ball to MISTER SINISTER, who scores!