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This grisly beast, which Lion hight by name
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Act 5, Scene I
<img src=http://fumbbl.com/teams/115796.jpg><img src=http://fumbbl.com/teams/115795.jpg>
<i>Won two awards in season 3 (both jointly with numerous others), a most valuable player award with two MVPs, and a defensive back award for his interception v. Pipe Smokers of the Year.
Following the game with the Smokers he sprouted a claw - it took seven games and over FORTY blocks before he managed a casualty with it though!
Game 21 and Grisly seems to be getting it together - picked up 2 cas including his third permanent RIP, to gain his third skill.
Game 23 v Kung Pow, a pre-season 'friendly', and he makes a 1db on the troll : skull, rr, skull, RIP.<i>