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Season: Episode 18 of Season 1
Original Air Date: 04/25/2000
Written by: Jim Kouf
Directed by: James A. Contner
Faith comes to LA; W&H hire her to kill Angel.
<b>Plot Highlights:</b>
Angel saves a gang-member. Faith comes to town. Flashback: Darla feeds Angelus a gypsy. Angel wants the gang-member to testify. Faith goes clubbing. Lee has a plan. Flashback: Darla realizes Angelus has been ensouled. W&H hire Faith. Faith fires a crossbow at Angel. Angel orders Cordy & Wes scarce. Faith drops by Angel's office. Angel infiltrates W&H, chats with Lindsey. Faith attacks Cordy, kidnaps Wes. Flashback: Angel tries to feed off a woman. Faith tortures Wesly. Angel fights Faith.
FAITH: Did you ever wonder if things would have been different if we'd never met? What if you had Buffy and Giles had been my Watcher? Think we'd still be here right now? Or would Giles be sitting in that chair? Or is it just, like, fate? There's no choice. You were going to be here no matter what. Ever think about that stuff? Fate and destiny. I don't.
FAITH: Not that any of this is your own fault. Since this may be the last chance we have to unload on each other, I feel it's kind of my duty to tell you that if you'd been a better Watcher, I might have been a more positive role model! Face it, Wesley. You really were a jerk. Always walking around like you had some great big stake rammed up your English Channel! I think I want to hear you scream.
WESLEY: You never will.