Ethasimson Gavarider Was up until 2 years ago, a lone rider, stealing the food he ate and the clothes he wore, then 6 months ago he stole a ticket to the Bloodbowl 2506, and decided, even though it wasnt his name on the ticket, he would go anyway, the ticket booth struggled to contain him, but the black orcs behind were getting cheesed off they had to wait....near a dark elf, so they let him in
Watching these teams play was magnificent, and at the end, he made himself look presentable, and went down to congratulate the dark elf team (they won....9-0) but they did no more but spit in his rage, he picked up the game ball, launched it across the entire field, smacked a chaos warrior with it, and amazing enough, it split his stomach clean open.
Seeing this happen, a scout for no less than the Legends Of Naggaroth approached him, but by that point he was already talking to Garthzan The Meanstealer ouside the second guesses what happened next.
<u>Current Credentials</u>
Team Member
Team's Best Passer