Khar was the one all the teammembers loved to hate from day one. And he does have a personality that makes it easy to dislike him. Always full of himself, and always skipping practice, yet still he manages to get his dirty little hands on the ball and make something happen when it's gamenight. On this team, no one likes someone who is a success, especially if that someone is a smartass like Khar.
Yet no one on the team can deny the fact that he has led the team to alot of it's victories, which is probably the only reason he is still alive. Khar knowns this as well, and takes full advantage. He always arrives at a match on his gilded throne, which is carried by 10 suckup goblins. Khar often has to replace these goblins, since many of his teammates take out their anger with him on them.
At halftime, Khar always rests on an elaborate couch, which is covered in velvet and silk (Who knew a hobgobber could appriciate things like silk and velvet...) with his suckup goblins taking care of his every need and whim.
Khar is not stupid, however. He never speaks badly of his teammates or the coach, as he knows that that would earn him a quick, painful death.
Khar has managed to earn 3 out of the first 5 mvp awards, which none in the team are too happy with. Not that he didn't deserve it, but who said rewards in Blood Bowl had anything to do with "deserve"?! Never the less, they all hate him for it.
Khar resently chose the Pro skill, just to rub in everyone's face that he is the team star. Many don't look too kindly on that, and many of his teammates are seriously thinking about flaying him abit, just to let him know that he is still very much mortal.
Some remarks about Khar from his teammates:
Addar The Brute: "Anyone who acts like that pompous arse do deserve a right proper beatin'!"
Vargo Blacktooth: "I wonder what "success" tastes like... Perhaps I should grab me a bite out of him and find out"
"Babyface" Bronn (Deceased): "I shagged his mom"
The Red Viper: "Humph, pretty boy. Someone should caress his face with some proper TLC. And by someone I mean me, and by caress I mean maim, and by some proper TLC I mean me knuckledusters!"
Hodor: "HODOR!!! *Sound of hobgoblin breaking* "
Jombee: "I put the fun in funeral.... Or, I will if it's Khar's funeral!"
Shaggo Pinkbeard: "Did I mention that he was the secret mastermind behind the affair with me pink beard?! I will have his spine for that! Shaggo, Eater of Fetusporridge does not suffer that sort of hobgoblin mischief lightly!"
Trett: "I like gum!! ...Or whatever... What was the question?"
Final note: After 15 games, Khar was retired by the coach, his frail hobgoblin body being too smashed up to perform any meaningfull task in the field. The team says goodbye to it's first (but hopefully not last) high profile. The day the announcement was made, they rest of the team feasted and partied for 3 days, celebrating that the team was now rid of the greatest nuisance in team history. However, Khar does poccess alot of knowledge about the game, and it was decided that he should become an assistant coach to the team.
The rest of the team (the dwarves in particual) made a modest show of disapproval towards the decision. This "modest disapproval" took place in the team's lockerroom, and left the place in rubble.