Ro came out of retirement after finding some Magical armor
Rules Of Engagement
My rules are simple
1. Don't let the CR fool you
2. I will foul if the situatuion warrants it
3. I will play Noobs in academy
4. I will teach them what i know
5. I Do play DORFS and ORCS handle it
6. I will cheer for dead pixels
7. I will turn you down for no better reason than I feel like it
<Mattybee> whatchoocall me, Ro?
[13:05] <Ro> i just looking at you teams
[13:05] <Mattybee> my terrible, terrible teams?
[[13:05] <Ro> lol
[13:05] <Ro> i c you have undead
[13:05] <Mattybee> yes, yes i do
[13:06] <Ro> they maybe wanna play vs my rugrats
[13:06] <Ro>
[13:06] <Mattybee> ...
[13:06] <Mattybee> no
[[13:06] <Ro> lol
[[13:06] <Mattybee> see, Ro
[13:06] <Ro> cant blame a guy for trying
[13:06] <Mattybee> I'm new
[13:06] <Mattybee> new != stupid