<b>Game 4</b> : Claw
<b><big>INJURIES CAUSED</b></big>
<b>Game 5</b> : <a href=
http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=4514910><img src=http://www.nicklovick.co.uk/01_Fumbbl/BB7/images/delineman1.gif></a> Lineman (32 SSP, +AG, Dodge, Leap) - Seriously Injured (Miss Next Game) (Apothecary Failed)
<b>Game 7</b> : <a href=
http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=4351189><img src=http://www.nicklovick.co.uk/01_Fumbbl/BB7/images/ogre1.gif></a> Ogre (28 SSP, Break Tackle, +MA) - Seriously Injured (-AG) (Apothecary Saved)
<b><big>INJURIES SUFFERED</b></big>
<b>Game 6</b> : FAILED DODGE - Badly Hurt
<b>Game 7</b> : <a href=
http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=4351208><img src=http://www.nicklovick.co.uk/01_Fumbbl/BB7/images/ogre1.gif></a> Ogre (33 SSP, Piling On, +AG, Break Tackle) - Badly Hurt
<b>Game 8</b> : <a href=
http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=4523676><img src=http://www.nicklovick.co.uk/01_Fumbbl/BB7/images/cbeastman1.gif></a> Beastman (96 SSP, Claw, +ST, Razor Sharp Claws, Block, Tackle) - Seriously Injured (Niggle)
Almost married! Well, no, not really. Actually, he just likes to wear fake antlers and chase people around the team parking lot mooing at them, wierdo...
<b>Mutations rule! Coach Cribble gets him to sign long term when a claw grows overnight! That was until the death monster got hold of the team and retired half of it!</b>