5 SI in game 33, including this poor bastard. Why do all my Guards get injured the most ?! He now carries the cursed commandment of Russo as the most injured player on the team.
[13:32] princevaliant> Howdy Russo
[13:33] princevaliant> I was still basking the glory of crushing dwarfs with vampires
[13:34] Russo> hehhe
[13:34] Russo> well PV I have beaten you there
[13:34] princevaliant> Maybe your dwarfs want a match? *giggle*
[13:34] Russo> I R E T I R E D a Dorf team wiuth Vamps
[13:34] princevaliant> ooooo
[13:34] Russo> from the Whiteisle league
[13:34] princevaliant> snap
[13:34] Russo> one sec
[13:34] princevaliant> You're right.
[13:34] princevaliant> I have yet to retire a team of dwarfs with vampires. I will strive to that goal
[13:35] Russo>
[13:35] Russo> lol
[13:35] princevaliant> :D
tied for most MVPs of all time (5) with another thrall - "With Us"
"I cover media people the way they cover politicians."