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After being retired following a M.N.G + niggling injury on a skill roll,
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=6146108">Closet</a> was killed off by outraged fans disgruntled
at his lack of physical constitution... amongst the vicious fans was
a warper, who summoned Nurgle and beset upon him a request..
Closet MK2 was drafted from the warp, but given a small part of the
original Closet's brain - to just remind him of what happens to beastmen
that don't stay healthy..
Sad news to report, having suffered a niggling injury during a game of
Blood Bowl vs an ogre team Closet MK2 committed suicide. He knew what
happened to his predecessor. The corpse of the beastman was found submerged
in the team baths with his playing shirt tied around his neck and his
wrists leaking fluid...
A note was found beside him
"<b><i>to du fans, i new u was comin to get me cos u got Closet when he went
down wid ta same injury... so i saved u de has-l ov kilin me - look i
did it myself. If u get ere in tyme den i ask u to take dat bit of brain
away wiv u - it helped me play good.. put it in da next closet if u can</i></b>"